Taking simple steps can provide peace of mind and help you avoid unpleasant surprises! Fraud and identity theft shouldn’t be a constant concern.
How to protect your account
Here are some tips and tricks to protect your lotoquebec.com account.

Enable two-step verification.
It’s a great way to protect the confidentiality of the information in your account. Your account belongs to you—don’t let anyone else access it.
Change your password regularly.
Use a different password for each website. Or create complex passwords.
Always log out.
(Just like when you close your front door when leaving the house for the day!)
Never share your personal email address.
A fraudster could try to change your account password to gain access. They can do this by sending an email to your personal address.

Invent a phrase. Keep the first letter of each word. Add numbers and symbols. For example, the phrase, “My jersey number when I played competitive soccer was 27!” can be used to remember the password, Mj#wIpcsw27!.

Take this password and adapt it to each website. For example, for lotoquebec.com, your password could be LQMj#wIpcsw27!com.
How to identify our website

Fraudsters can create a website that looks like ours to access your personal information. You should never trust a website just because it looks good! Ways to know the website is really ours:

The browser displays a secure padlock or tune icon in the URL field.

Our website begins with https:// not http://. The “s” stands for secure, meaning all your data is encrypted and, therefore, cannot be seized or tampered with.

All four are red flags that can help you spot a phishing scam. Good job!Read on for more tips on how to stay cyber-safe!

Actually, all four statements are red flags that can help you spot a phishing scam.Read on for more tips on how to stay cyber-safe!
Trust your instincts when reading emails. Here are a few red flags that may tip you off:
The email uses scare tactics. It tells you there’s an issue with your account.
It features a generic greeting (like “Dear customer”).
There’s a promise of financial benefit.
It contains spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
It comes from an address that looks like ours but isn’t. For example: info@lot.quebec.com rather than info@lotoquebec.com.

*We’ve highlighted in pink some passages that should be cause for concern.
It contains an attachment.
It consists of a single large image.
It contains links leading to unknown addresses. To check a link before clicking on it:

On your phone: Press down on the link or button until the address to which you’ll be redirected is displayed.

On your computer: Hover over the link or button without clicking, and the address should appear in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen on a PC or next to the link on a Mac.
How to identify our Facebook page

Fraudsters often use Facebook to extract personal information from users. They may create a fake Facebook page or a fake post that appears to be from us but isn’t. Here are some green flags to look for.

The address of our official Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/JeuxenligneLQ.

We never reply to posts to tell you that you’ve won or to ask you to click on dubious links.
How to identify our Facebook page

We do everything we can to protect you. We offer:
A cybersecurity centre that’s open 24/7
A payment system that’s secured to the highest industry standards
Encryption to protect all data transmissions between our website and your browser
A gaming website that undergoes rigorous testing to prevent cybersecurity issues
A gaming website that’s protected from hackers
A gaming website that prioritizes your cybersecurity. Check out our Vulnerability Disclosure Policy.
In doubt?
We’re here for you day and night! Are you suspicious of an email? Call us at 1-866-611-5686 or email us at jeuxenligne@lotoquebec.com.